Clarity Direction

Intuition On Purpose

You are a Spiritual Being Having a Human experience.

Phew! And as we have learned, it is not as easy as it looks :)

You have worked hard to check all the boxes ... but... something is missing.

Standing at the crossroads. Which way to go?

Your intuition is sending lots of signals. Which ones to trust? 

You feel called - To more peace, more satisfaction, more joy. 

When you are-

  • At the crossroads
  • Facing a loss
  • In the thick of it
  • Feeling "meh" instead of marvelous
  • Longing for something to change
  • Considering a new direction
  • Wishing your intuition would speak up more clearly

Your time with Bev is an insightful, uplifting conversation which goes to the heart of the matter to provide clarity, courage and confidence for your next steps. 

Choose One hour or 1.5 hours 'Deeper Dive' on Zoom or by Telephone.

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Schedule With Bev

Clients Say ...

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Michael Krol Digital Director / Reiki Master/Teacher,

Bev's gift of tapping into a higher source of knowledge is invaluable.
The guidance she is able to provide is always helpful, inspiring, and feeds the soul.
Bev has been a catalyst for many positive changes and shifts in my life and I can't begin to thank her enough."

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Stephen Victor 

 I have been Bev's client more often than I can remember. Bev possesses a sweetness, quietly joyous buoyancy, and lovely gentleness of heart. She is a clean clear channel -- an utterly competent liaison -- a maestro - wholly unique. Bev's ability to articulate  messages from those in the Mystery to her clients -- is unimpeachable. She is persistently spot on! Bev has helped me during moments of me nearly dying to desires dealing with my relationships. Bev, I am grateful for you, Thank you!! 

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Robin Vanderveght Former Senior Project Manager. Now an excited Full time Student.

For too many years to count, you have had an incredibly meaningful effect on my life!
Words can't express the gratitude I have for meeting you. You gave me back my lust for life, my love for myself and my willpower.

Thank you so so much.



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Time with Bev has become part of my spiritual practice and commitment to personal growth. Bev is  highly perceptive and intuitive, she helps me to affirm what I know to be true for myself.
Her coaching and insight help me re-calibrate and ensure that am aligned with my
authentic self and my intentions.Every time I meet with Bev, I feel energized, positive, and supported by the universe.

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Sierra  Healer, Occupational Therapist

Bev, I really can't thank you enough for the session. It was such a blessing and something I will carry with me forever. It really helped me on my spiritual and healing journey. I am grateful to you for the preparation and inner work that you do to allow these beautiful messages to come through.
With so much gratitude and joy, -

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Tom Stokes- Therapist 

Your work with me has been invaluable to my growth, to the decrease of my emotional pain, to finally get through it. Each time to reassure me that life on this plane is only a part of the journey of the soul. You have instilled hope within me. I cannot thank you enough. I always send you Love and Prayers.  Hugs Too!! 


For more "Clients Say" click here.

I look forward to seeing you!

Schedule with Bev