Bev's Credentials
B.A. Degree, Psychology, University of Witwatersrand and University of South Africa, South Africa
B.A. Degree, Drama and Film, University of Witwatersrand, South Africa
Diplomate Public Relations, Witwatersrand School of Business, South Africa
Professional Certifications
- Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
- Advanced certification in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and International Association Advanced Studies of Health
(IASH), Robert Dilts, Suzi Smith Tim Halbom, Utah - Certified Health Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Facilitator
- Clinical Hypnotherapist, Knightsbridge School of Hypnotherapy and NLP, Portland, Oregon
- Professional Certified Coach, Life Coach, New Vibe Coaching, Portland, Oregon
- Certified administrator (CAPT) of the Pearson-Marr Archetype Indicator (MAI) instrument for individuals
- Certified administrator of the Organizational and Team Culture Instrument (OTCI) and Pearson-Marr Archetype Indicator (PMAI) instrument for businesses and teams
- Certified Facilitator of Language and Behavior Profile, Success Strategies, Shelle Rose Charvet
- Certified Group Coaching Leader and Facilitator (BSF) Mary Allen and Eva Gregory
- Certified facilitator of Clean Language and Symbolic Modeling, Clean Learning, Marian Way, United KingdomĀ
- Hellinger and Family Constellation Work for individuals, The Human Systems Institute, Portland, Oregon
- The Path of the Mystic, CMED Institute, Caroline Myss
- Ordained Minister: American Marriage Ministries
- NLP Trainer for The Center For Coaching/New Vibe Coaching and The Knightsbridge School of NLP and Hypnotherapy