When head and heart disagree. Feeling sad or worried? Bev reads an insightful, amazing poem by John Roedel

Feb 20, 2022

When a sad heart or a worried head is weighing you down. Amazing insight from Poet John Roedel with a remedy for those times when we dwell on the mistakes of the past or find ourselves anxious about the future.

Here I read his poem 'How To Live With My Body' by John Roedel

Idea. John Roedel's books make great gifts. If you LOVE his poem(s) as I do- Send some love his way here https://www.johnroedel.com

Support his work here or purchase his lovely books


For further exploration on how to have head, heart and body wisdom  live in alignment when you have decisions to make, get my downloadable guide "15 Minutes to Clarity" here.


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